iFrame Demo

Generat and Test a URL

You can customise and generate a URL for a customer by choosing from the following customisable options. Select from the customisable options and click the generate button. You can then use this URL in your framed pages.

If your client is not listed here call us on 0800 428 862 for more information.
For testing use any client.


The number of results to be returned per page.


The width of the vehicle listing page.


The background colour of the page. No # to start.


Aligns the displayed content.


Displays the drop box to filter the list of vehicles by manufacturer.


Displays the bar which provides sorting, navigation and display options.


Sets the default option of how to display the vehicles.
This can be changed by the user if Show Function Bar is Yes.


Whether or not to use a search page for determinig the vehicles to display.
This is only recommended if the client has in excess of 200 vehicles.


A code for a particular customisation that may have been discussed with
AutoBase, who will provide you with this number if needed.


The URL to an image that will be displayed at the top of each page.
Leave blank if not required.

Test URL
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